Gamma World Wiki

Description: Attercops, also known as Blackuns, are mutated garden spiders. They have long bristles across their bodies, making them unpalatable prey to all, but the largest of creatures. Attercops have twelve eyes located all their head, giving these creatures 360 vision. Two types of Attercops exist. One dwells strictly in its huge web, while the second (Attercop Abulare) is an active hunter, preferring to use its web only to shackle its prey.

Combat: The Attercop attacks with a bite, causing 1d4 damage. As its teeth hit their mark, the creature uses its electrical generation power to jolt its victim. Once its victim stops moving, the Attercop trusses up its victim in its sticky webbing. Creatures held in this fashion must make a difficult (10) strength check to escape. Attercops keep their victims (also known as dinner) for as long as four days (just to ripen), before their settle down to feed.

Society: The Attercop is a solitary hunter, allowing no others of its kind within its web or territory except during fall breeding. Female Attercops deposit a half-meter-diameter eggsac containing over a thousand young. Blights, blood birds and Carrins hunt these young Attercops, killing all but a few dozen before they are large enough to defend themselves.

The Attercops flame resistant web sometimes stretches over an area of 60 m in diameter. Creatures captured in the web need to a make challenging (5) strength check to escape . Any loot found in an Attercops web is merely undigestible waste to the spider. The Lil, a humanoid race, commonly take refuge within or behind Attercop webs, although some do fall prey to the spider.

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